Three demo networks - Latest updates


#1 Eastern Europe: Cities and water utilities

A series of webinars is on-going 3 cities in Romania, Hungaria and Serbia to explain the potential of F4W activities for them in the future and to establish a social and political consensus on water digitization. The first webinar took place on 3 November, involving end-users in the water sector (municipalities, water utilities, authorities, citizens) and solution providers (technology solution providers, SMEs, IT clusters and developers). The involvement of universities has also been discussed.

#2 INBO: International Network of Basin Organisations

A webinar will take place this Tuesday 10 November at 2.30pm. Topic of this interactive workshop is the following: "How water digital innovations can benefit to River Basin Organisations? The on-going experience of Fiware4Water”. The goal is to raise awareness about the project and the F4W platform.

#3 FIWARE innovation hubs: Innovators

F4W challenges are currently being organised by FIWARE partners with the objective to boost SME innovation. It will be a technical challenge, not really a hackatton although with the same spirit, since applicants will have 3 months to propose solutions. Three of the four F4W Demo Cases (water utilities) will propose a challenge with dataset to be used by applicants with one condition: find a solution to address the challenge expressed by using the F4W platform. Organisation of the challenges will be explained to the Fiware ecosystems during a Wednesday webinar in December and the challenges will be officially launched in January 2021.

                                                                © Photo by tarotastic on / CC BY-NC 


The Digital Water 2020 synergy group (a group gathering F4W and the four sister projects involved in digital water as part of the EU Horizon 2020 programme) is working very well. Last example of our fruitful collaboration: F4W Demo Case #4 in the United Kingdom is collaborating with the Milan Demo Case of Digital Water City project on the development of their water data models.F4W project is planning to organise its next general assembly on February March 2021 and will encourage the organisation of common sessions with the four sister projects.

For more information, please contact Sonia Sauve at


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