Fiware4Water has started in June 2019 and will run for 3 years. The activities of the project are structured into 7 work packages.
To ensure all Fiware4Water results and outcomes are demand driven and accessible by stakeholders, WP1 aims to identify (use cases, end-users and innovation) requirements for Fiware4Water to be an open platform for the water sector. WP1 results will be gathered in a gap analysis and final requirements report that will constitute the foundation high value knowledge for other WPs.
The second pillar to ensure the interoperability and standardisation of Fiware4Water platform is the design and development of a Reference Architecture that is carried out in WP2. Once the requirements are fully understood to bridge the physical and digital water world, and the interoperability and standardisation issues solved, then the prototype development of FIWARE-enabled Smart Applications and Smart Devices to the water sector will be undertaken by WP3.
Such analytical and tools will address the different water cycle stages to be tested and demonstrated through dedicated Demo Cases (WP4). Each of the 4 Demo Case of WP4 are labelled as Tier1 and reflects a specific water cycle issues under different types of climate throughout Europe: (i) raw water supply in Greece (ii) water supply in France (iv) Waste water treatment in Netherlands and (iv) smart service for customers in England. More generally, the project will demonstrate at large scale (and evaluate the performances) the technical feasibility of FIWARE as the flexible digital solution of choice in a variety of diverse, demanding, real world situations, covering a wide range of water challenges and contexts.
In parallel, WP5 will study and test the socio-political impacts, end-user engagement and economic consequences of Fiware4Water. The first two will be specifically addressed Demo Networks labelled Tier2 and focussing on citizen engagement in sustainable urban strategies and municipal relations.
A full range of activities will tackle the Eastern part of Europe to raise awareness and support the deployment of smart water solutions. The economic consequences of Fiware4Water will be explored and detailed in an exploitation plan built on the Business Model Canvas method. All communication and dissemination activities are deployed in WP6 to engage with water utilities, cities, River Basin Organisations, SMEs (i.e. developers and equipment suppliers), industrials and citizen.
WP6 will start by setting Fiware4Water communication and dissemination strategy plan towards water smart solutions for a water smart society. The other objective of WP6 is to concretely participate to the ecosystem building to specifically target developers, SMEs, industrials uses.
The project coordination and management is carried out by OIEau (WP7).