Project manager
Edouard Boinet worked at the French Embassy in Kenya on the United Nations Environment Program, at the Health & Environment Program of the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI) & at the International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO (UNESCO-IHP) on cooperative transboundary basin management. As project manager for the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO), he coordinates the network and its collaboration with key partners (UNECE, UNESCO, OECD), prepares contributions for major international events (World Water Forum, UNFCCC/UNCBD COPs, INBO General Assemblies, Europe-INBO International Conferences) & implements IWRM field projects (mainly in Africa and Asia).
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The International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) is an association of general interest. The network gathers 192 full Members or Permanent Observers from 88 countries worldwide such as Basin Organizations, Governmental Administrations in charge of water in each country applying or interested in applying integrated and sustainable water resources management and bi and multilateral Cooperation Agencies supporting activities related to integrated and sustainable water resources management at the level of river basins. INBO has, among its objectives, a role of support to its members, to facilitate the implementation of tools suitable for institutional and financial management, programming, organization of databanks and information systems, and to promote information and training programs for basin organizations. Website: